Keep off the grass
talking to Friends about the physical presence of Others. Forced Migration in Bosnia and Herzegovina
neo-colonialism, migration, nationalism, militarization, human rightsAbstract
The Balkan Corridor is undergoing changes that reflect the direct impact of macropolitical structures and policies. The main purpose of the conducted analysis of social network public posts is to examine the dominant narratives at the local and EU-levels, as well as the narratives that challenge official exclusionary measures in migration policies. This analysis focuses on how these narratives recognize and present place-based inclusion and exclusion practices through „talking to friends“. Particular attention is given to narratives about safety, security, cleanliness, community. The study, therefore, explored the intersection between spatial and discursive practices. Two simultaneous processes can be observed: openings for new frameworks and new forms of inclusive solidarity; and on the other hand, processes of redefining borders and dividing lines, often accompanied by militarization supported by international funds, help and support programs. These two narratives remain parallel and separate.
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