THE LOGICAL FORESIGHT - Journal for Logic and Science <p>THE LOGICAL FORESIGHT<strong> – </strong><em>Journal For Logic and Science</em> is ONLINE peer-reviewed research journal published by the ACADEMIA ANALITICA – <em>Society for Development of Logic and Analytic Philosophy in Bosnia and Hercegovina.</em>The journal aims to promote and publish original high-quality research in all disciplines based on logic and science (natural, humanities, and social).</p> <p><strong>DOI:</strong><span class="value"><a href=""></a></span></p> <p><strong>License: </strong><a href="">Creative Commons</a></p> <p><strong>Archiving (Deposits &amp; Preservation System)</strong></p> <p><strong>PKP Preservation Network</strong></p> <p><strong>Crossref Documentation </strong></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> ACADEMIA ANALITICA – Society for Development of Logic and Analytic Philosophy in Bosnia and Herzegovina en-US THE LOGICAL FORESIGHT - Journal for Logic and Science 2744-208X <p><br /><br /><br /></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> Basics of Second-Order Predicate Logic <p>The article presents the basics of second-order predicate logic (SOL). The need for a symbolic representation of the general quantifier is pointed out. A distinction is made between the first-order predicate logic (FOL) and the second-order predicate logic (predicates of predicates, relations of relations). The syntax and semantics of the second-order predicate logic are introduced. Logical and non-logical designators and operators, terms, rules for forming logical formulas, status of variables, and rules for variable substitution are introduced. Reference is made to Henkin's semantics of controlled predicates, and an axiomatic system of second-order predicate logic. Russell's analogy for the axiom of choice and methods of proving the validity of the deduction for second-order predicate logic are given.</p> Nijaz Ibrulj Copyright (c) 2023 THE LOGICAL FORESIGHT - Journal for Logic and Science 2023-12-12 2023-12-12 3 1 1 14 10.54889/issn.2744-208X.2023.3.1.1 Keep off the grass <p>The Balkan Corridor is undergoing changes that reflect the direct impact of macropolitical structures and policies. The main purpose of the conducted analysis of social network public posts is to examine the dominant narratives at the local and EU-levels, as well as the narratives that challenge official exclusionary measures in migration policies. This analysis focuses on how these narratives recognize and present place-based inclusion and exclusion practices through „talking to friends“. Particular attention is given to narratives about safety, security, cleanliness, community. The study, therefore, explored the intersection between spatial and discursive practices. Two simultaneous processes can be observed: openings for new frameworks and new forms of inclusive solidarity; and on the other hand, processes of redefining borders and dividing lines, often accompanied by militarization supported by international funds, help and support programs. These two narratives remain parallel and separate.</p> Tatjana Žarković Copyright (c) 2023 THE LOGICAL FORESIGHT - Journal for Logic and Science 2023-12-12 2023-12-12 3 1 15 34 10.54889/issn.2744-208X.2023.3.1.15 Aristotle's First Philosophy as Analytical Epistemology <p>We analyze metaphysical foundations of the logical and epistemological construction of knowledge in Aristotle's First Philosophy. The possibility to define this construction as analytical epistemology is deduced from the fact that Aristotle used the term substance (ousía) in many equivalent expressions and different semantic roles, but with the same meaning. The basis for that is a semantic convertibility (antístrephein) of the concept of substance (or "what is", or the "essence" of being) in each of the fields of knowledge. Here we have listed the four most general aspects of the meaning of the term substance ( ousía) and expanded them to ten aspects in their specific use in the physical, logical, linguistic and ontological domains. Because of all of the above, we define Aristotle's First Philosophy (pròte philosophía) as analytical epistemology, as a system of knowledge and cognition based on a system of many senses of the term substance or conceptual conversions of the term ousía. In doing so, we observed these models of conversion of the meaning of the term substance through four predicative forms: synonymous, homonymous, paraonymous and analogical, which are based on four aspects of the concept of identity as logical sameness: that which is the same / identical (tò autón) because it belongs to the same genus (génos ), or belongs to the same / identical (tò omôion) species (eîdos), or has the same /identical (tò íson) number (aríthmos) or same/identical semantical relations (tò análogon). It can be seen that conceptual analogy (analogía) is the basis of all semantic transformations through which the concept of substance (ousía) goes in analytical epistemology.</p> Nijaz Ibrulj Copyright (c) 2023 THE LOGICAL FORESIGHT - Journal for Logic and Science 2023-12-12 2023-12-12 3 1 35 48 10.54889/issn.2744-208X.2023.3.1.35 Front Matter Nijaz Ibrulj Copyright (c) 2023 THE LOGICAL FORESIGHT - Journal for Logic and Science 2023-12-12 2023-12-12 3 1 Nijaz Ibrulj (auth.). Porfirijevo nasljeđe u Bosni (Porphyry's Legacy in Bosnia). Sarajevo: Academia Analitica, 2023, p.450. Samir Arnautović Copyright (c) 2023 THE LOGICAL FORESIGHT - Journal for Logic and Science 2023-12-12 2023-12-12 3 1 49 57 10.54889/issn.2744-208X.2023.3.1.49 Nijaz Ibrulj (auth.). Porfirijevo nasljeđe u Bosni (Porphyry's Legacy in Bosnia). Sarajevo: Academia Analitica, 2023, p.450. Mile Babić Copyright (c) 2023 THE LOGICAL FORESIGHT - Journal for Logic and Science 2023-12-12 2023-12-12 3 1 58 62 10.54889/issn.2744-208X.2023.3.1.58 Jelena Gaković (auth.). Društvena arhitektonika digitalnog doba (Social Architectonics of the Digital Age). Sarajevo: Academia Analitica, 2023, p.151. Nijaz Ibrulj Copyright (c) 2023 THE LOGICAL FORESIGHT - Journal for Logic and Science 2023-12-12 2023-12-12 3 1 61 71 10.54889/issn.2744-208X.2023.3.1.63 Simon Critchley (auth.). Bald: 35 Philosophical Short Cuts. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2021, p. 264. Kerim Sušić Copyright (c) 2023 THE LOGICAL FORESIGHT - Journal for Logic and Science 2023-12-12 2023-12-12 3 1 72 75 10.54889/issn.2744-208X.2023.3.1.72 Table of Content Nijaz Ibrulj Copyright (c) 2023 THE LOGICAL FORESIGHT - Journal for Logic and Science 2023-12-12 2023-12-12 3 1