Logical Identity: A Holistic Approach


  • Nijaz Ibrulj University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Philosophy




logic, language, ontology, epistemology, identity, holism


It is my intention in this article to present some consequences of Quine’s thesis on the dependence of ontology on ideology (Quine, 1980), seeking an argument for my own thesis on the dependence (theoretical) existence of entities on identity type or ontology dependence on logic and language.If Quine's thesis is correct, then we can
expand the resolution of this conclusion and say that ontology depends on the identity or on identification of the "identity criteria for conceptual schemes" (Davidson, 2001) which is constructed in the theory. Consequently I will speak about types of identity which adapts choice of ontology and of which depends ontology of a theory. Here I want to connect the different types of use of the term identity in Aristotle's writings and the different types of predications that are based on them with the concept of identity as the equivalence of symbols in modern logic.
I want to reinterpret Quine's statement: "There is no entity without identity " in the form of imlication "What (kind of) identity such (kind of ) entity."


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2021-12-12 — Updated on 2021-12-20

How to Cite

Ibrulj, N. (2021). Logical Identity: A Holistic Approach. THE LOGICAL FORESIGHT - Journal for Logic and Science, 1(1), 109–128. https://doi.org/10.54889/issn.2744-208X.2021.1.1.109

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