Conceptualising Innovation and Creativity in Knowledge Based Society


  • Jelena Gaković University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Philosophy, Dept.of Sociology



innovation, society, creativity, knowledge utilitisation, skills


This paper raises a discussion on innovation, nature of knowledge and the growing significance of skills in contemporary society. We propose the argument that knowledge is commonly perceived in terms of skills only, as a result of an applicability logic rule in knowledge based social orders. Moreover, innovation is recognized as yet another central issue of our times that is strongly interrelated to technological developments and the realm od science. Creativity as a specific human feature, on the other hand, is widely accepted as a critical precondition for generating innovative products and ideas. The essential problem lies in the oversight of the role humanities and arts play in nurturing humanistic values, whereas means are commonly mistaken for an end.


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How to Cite

Gaković, J. (2022). Conceptualising Innovation and Creativity in Knowledge Based Society. THE LOGICAL FORESIGHT - Journal for Logic and Science, 2(1), 43–50.