Author Guidelines


Guidelines for writing articles in THE LOGICAL FORESIGHT – Journal For Logic and Science are as follows:

Technical requirements

1. Articles and book reviews may be contributed exclusively in standard English language
2. Articles written for THE LOGICAL FORESIGHT – Journal For Logic and Science: include the results of scientific research from an interaction of diverse scientific disciplines,namely: various natural disciplines related to humanities and social sciences.
3. Articles should include no more than 15 – 20 pages ( approx. 8000 words), while book reviews should not exceed 3 – 5 pages (approx.1500 – 2000 words).
4. Articles written in standard English using 12pt Century Schoolbook font, A4 paper size (210 x 279 mm), 2.5 cm margin (right, left, and bottom) and 3 cm top margin with line density 1 space.
Formal Organisations of Contributions

I - Articles
Articles must be done according to the standards of indexed journals in Europe and the world. The AIMRAD structure of a scientific article (Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion) should be used in compiling articles.
Articles should contain the following elements:

The title of the paper is written in bold lower letters. If the title of another text appears in the title, then that part is placed under quotation marks. The title must be directly related to the topic of the paper and reflect the content of the entire paper and not one part of it.
Data on authors (authors) and institutions / affiliation
Data on the author (authors) contain the name and surname of the author, data on the institution / affiliation with which he is connected, place, address, e-mail address. No academic degree or professional title is written in front of the name or after the surname.

Articles must contain a thematic summary (summary) with keywords. The thematic summary is a concise form of work (approximately 10 lines) in which the goal, methods and results of the work are briefly described.

Key words
The article lists the key words that have the role of index of terms and index of names and serve for library classification of the text as well as for faster and easier research of the topic by the users of the journal. Keywords must be related to the content of the text (topic, topics) and not to its form. Keywords are listed below the abstract. A minimum of five (5) and a maximum of eight (8) keywords are listed.

The article must have an introduction and comprise a brief overview of previously published relevant papers (theses) from the same thematic area, overview of materials and methods, presentation of evidence, hypothesis / hypotheses of the whole paper, objectives, expected results, exposition plan of the topic by chapters.
If the article is based on a hypothesis that is by definition completely new in the given scientific area, the introduction must explain the methodology and methodological point of view that has logical possibilities for constituting the scientific argumentation of such a new idea.

Chapters and capitals
The main text must be divided into chapters and capitals.

Articles must have a conclusion that is logically derived from the thesis and argumentation used in the paper. The conclusion states the results that have been proven in the argumentation and discussion of the paper. The conclusion may indicate additional possibilities for future research on the topic of the article. A concise form of the conclusion (results) must also appear in the abstract of the paper.

Bibliographic references
The content and bibliographic notes in the text should be clearly differentiated. Content notes describe and clarify the text in more detail. They are written below the footnote at the bottom of the text.
Bibliographic notes refer to citations - ie. to the precise part of the text quoted from another publication. They are inserted into the text and contain the name of the author, the year in which the cited work was published and the page on which the cited part can be found (Searle, 1964, 88). Complete information about the source or a specific bibliographic reference can be found in the list of sources.

II - Book Reviews
Book reviews can have a title derived from the topic the book deals with, or they can refer directly to the title of the book being presented.
Below the title, all information about the author of the book and the book being reviewed must be given in parentheses (author's name and surname, book title, publisher, year of publication, place of publication, number of pages).
The review should be divided into paragraphs and may have subheadings inserted. The name and surname of the reviewer and all other author's data about him are stated (1) on the back cover of the journal, (2) in the contents of the journal, (3) at the end of the text of the review.

ISSN 2744-208X
THE LOGICAL FORESIGHT – Journal For Logic and Science

Online Edition Published by
– Society for Development of Logic and Science in Bosnia and Herzegovina
71000 Sarajevo, Franje Račkog 1
Bosna and Hercegovina
Tel: +387 33 25 31 26
Fax: +387 33 66 78 74